
What a great summer it has been, and Labor Day is now here!
Here is some information and reminders.

Speed: Please be mindful of your speed through Ponderosa. A few weeks ago, there was an accident on Camp 12 Rd. where the speed was over 55mph. The speed limit is 30mph on Camp 12 Rd. and 15mph throughout Ponderosa. We still have many members and children who are walking, riding bikes, and enjoying our beautiful area.

Events this weekend: Please refer to the flyer that was sent out via email and that are posted at the clubhouse. These events are outdoors, and masks are suggested for outdoor gatherings by Washington State Health. There will be squares in the baseball field for your family or group to sit that will provide social distancing. This form of social distancing was suggested by Chelan County last year and we were successful in our outdoor events with no reported COVID cases.

Saturday will be free day. Please put anything at the edge of your property that you would like to give away. Please remove these items if they are not picked up by Sunday at 12 noon. As a reminder, at the August Board meeting, I asked that furniture and other items not be left on corners or at the edge of your property. It is important to keep Ponderosa looking good.

The pool: We do not have an “official” pool monitor; however, I will be at the pool this weekend during random hours; asking members to sign in and checking the pool area for garbage, vandalism, and unauthorized users. Please do not leave your pool card for your tenants. There will be a fine associated with any who access the pool.

Security: We will have security this weekend. The focus will be illegal fires, speed, and vandalism.

Bunco: Your Social Committee is sponsoring a Bunco night. Please contact the office or Polly if you are interested.

Ballot: A ballot was sent out via email for expenses on the caretaker home. Please remember to vote.

Survey: A survey was sent with the ballot. Please take a moment to complete this. We will use these results for planning in all areas of Ponderosa for the remainder of 2021 and 2022.

Board Meeting: Our next Board meeting is Saturday, September 11. We look forward to seeing you.

Have a great Labor Day weekend, stay safe and as always, Please reach out to the office or myself with any concerns or suggestions.

President, Ponderosa Board of Trustees

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